Lifestyle Nutrition

Combating obesity: The efficacy of wellness activities

Dec 18, 2018

I know, you’re probably already acquainted with this topic, but I urge you to read on.

Obesity is a health problem of epidemic proportions in the United States. Fifteen percent of the overall population is considered obese, which is defined as having a body mass index of 30 or higher.

Based on that criterion, 69 percent of American adults are overweight or obese. That’s bad enough, but it’s doubly alarming in that many of those overweight or obese people are passing along poor health and eating habits to a new generation of young people, who will carry those same lifestyle habits with them into adulthood.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

You don’t have to settle for being obese. There are many ways to combat obesity through wellness-focused activities you can adopt in ways that suit your schedule, lifestyle and personal preferences.

Make it routine

Exercise is key to weight loss and a healthy life, but it’s not always practical or possible to take out a gym membership you’ll use every single day. The trick is finding ways to work some form of exercise you enjoy into your daily routine. If you’re convinced that losing weight requires running every day, then you’ve already undermined yourself if you dislike running.

Try thinking of exercise in broader terms than just laps or pounds and repetitions on a weight bench. If you enjoy being out in nature listening to the wind through the trees, why not make it a point to go for a stroll in the woods on a regular basis? If you had a successful high school basketball career back in the day, grab a couple basketballs, head for the driveway or park and shoot some hoops every day.

Doing what you enjoy makes it far more likely that you’ll keep it up.

Weight-loss aids

Science has uncovered the importance of colon health in managing obesity, which is where prebiotics and probiotics come in. A bad mix of bacteria in the colon can cause calories to be generated in the colon, which are then absorbed by the body.

Prebiotics, which come from plant fiber, cause good bacteria to multiply in the colon. Probiotics are live bacteria ingested with the aim of generating beneficial changes in the digestive track, hopefully leading to weight loss.

Mental disorders

Obesity has been linked to mental disorders including depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. The CDC has established a direct relationship between obesity and depression, which means coming to terms with what’s bothering you is an important factor in treating the problem. It’s advisable to seek counseling if you’re intent on overcoming obesity.

Understanding the root of the problem will make it easier to deal with its symptoms and physical manifestations.

Rest and relaxation

It’s likely that more Americans would be healthy and well-rested if they embraced sleep as an enjoyable, pleasurable aspect of self-care, particularly since sleep experts advise that everyone should get at least seven hours of sleep every night, which helps prevent mental torpor and sudden mood swings.

Studies have discovered a link between sleep and regulation of the thyroid, the immune system, and metabolism, a key factor in weight loss. Sleep also makes it possible to concentrate during the day and helps fight the effects of stress, which can contribute to obesity.

A healthy, balanced diet

Obese individuals sometimes decide that losing weight requires starving yourself, which is a dangerous misconception. Denying yourself food puts you at risk for a number of negative reactions such as bingeing, which frequently happens when someone tries going without food.

Following a balanced diet is important for everyone, regardless of weight. Your body gets what it needs from a balance of vegetables, fruit, whole grain foods, fish, nuts and lean meats. Getting yourself accustomed to eating healthy portions and avoiding processed foods high in sodium and sugar is key to overcoming obesity.

The numbers concerning obesity in the United States are staggering. While obesity constitutes a clear physical health concern, there has long been a lack of understanding about the link between obesity and mental health problems.

There is a cultural predisposition in the United States to see weight problems as some kind of character flaw or moral issue. Fortunately, science has shown that obesity is a physiological condition caused by a number of factors.

Recognizing the factors that contribute to obesity is an important step in addressing the problem effectively.

Brad Krause believes strongly that we all have the potential to be the best versions of ourselves we can possibly be – but that it depends on how well we prioritize our wellness in taking care of ourselves – an approach which is very much in sync with the work of

Through his website, Self Caring, Brad's mission is to help people discover that it comes down to prioritizing our own wellness through self-care.

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